From: (Thomas R Scudder) Subject: Re: This is bad Date: 1998/03/22 Message-ID: <UzbR.1155$>#1/1 Organization: First Legion, Second Cohort, Third Maniple, First Century Newsgroups: rec.arts.sf.written,,,alt.religion.kibology Captain Infinity ( asieoniezi: : Why, when my niece in Arizona sent me a letter telling me she was going to : name hew newborn son "Kibo", Kibo sent her a letter telling her to name him : "Bumgarner" instead. Then he send me a recipe for chili. Watch out! Last time I got a recipe in the mail from Kibo, I got a bill for $250.00 in the mail very shortly thereafter. I investigated my legal options, but it seemed to be more expensive to fight it than simply to pay. Thus, I thought that I would GET BACK AT HIM by POSTING HIS $250.00 RECIPE to the NET. HERE IT IS: Spaghetti noodles: 1 package spaghetti noodles 2 quarts water 1 pinch salt Put salt in water. Bring water to a boil (in a pot, on a stovetop). Dump noodles in pot of boiling water. Cook five to ten minutes, until noodles are cooked through but not gummy. Throw noodles into a large colander to drain. Serves 4. HA! TAKE THAT, KIBO, YOU EVIL CAPITALIZED PIG-DOG! FROM HELL'S THYROID GLAND I STRIKE AT YOU! -- Tom Scudder aka <*> The University of Michigan Gilbert and Sullivan Society presents: RUDDIGORE, April 2 - 5 - see for ticket ordering info - tickets are !!ON!! !!SALE!! !!NOW!!
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