Antifrance's Durham Elf Spat Photos

July 27-30, 2001 -- Page Five

AFT-S: It's so exciting, you have to hold on to the wall.
(Now get out there and sell it!)

The Mandatory Elf Spat Lezbo-Pr0n Photo.

Wayland plays a computer game instead of participating in the festivities.

Arthur's Revenge!

Awww, what a cute family!

Jeez, that Lori will just spread her legs for anyone, won't she?

Sadly, Wayland will not agree to any other pose for family photos.


Arthur usually wins, for some reason.

Beware of the 60-Foot Hairbrush-Weilding Tiffani!
(At least it's not a fork.)

Group photo time!

That's Emily Jane's foot Anti is eating, not a colossal thumb.

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