Wasabi vs. Jaime de Castellvi


Subject:      Re: Servo on Food Part Deux: Wasabi
Date:         Sat, 11 Dec 1999 08:31:28 -0600
From:         WWS <wschmidt@tyler.net>
Organization: wotsa motta U
Message-ID:   <38526040.F9D1F5F6@tyler.net>
Newsgroups:   alt.fan.tom-servo,alt.society.neutopia

LisaB wrote:
> <thewitch@unagi.cybernothing.org> wrote:

> >So what the fuck is wasabi?

I'm sure you'd like it, it has a striking similarity to someone
you know already!

> By now, you already know.  But wait, there's more!
> From http://www.wasabi.co.nz/meet.html

>W A S A B I   (Wasabia japonica syn. Eutrema japonica) is a member of
>the cruciferae family originating in Japan and is related to
>cabbages. It is a perennial which grows about knee high, is semi
>aquatic and produces a thickened stem in a similar fashion to a small
>brussel sprout. As the stem grows the lower leaves fall off. This stem
>has a very pungent smell and flavour when made into a paste.  Wasabi
>can be produced both as a ground grown or water grown plant. The
>water grown plants produce a higher quality product than the ground
>grown plants.

Now, about that similarity:

> >J A I M E  (Jaimus Iberius Castellvus syn. Extrema Canadica) is a
> >member of the De Castellvi family originating in Spain and is related
> >to cabbages. It is a perennial which grows about knee high, is semi
> >aquatic and produces a thickened stem in a similar fashion to a small
> >brussel sprout. As the stem grows the lower pants fall off. This stem
> >has a very pungent smell and flavour when made into a paste.


See wot I mean?

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