Hey Dude

(Arthur Levesque)

From:       meisterflop@boog.org (Arthur Levesque)
Newsgroups: alt.slack,alt.journalism.gonzo,alt.fan.tom-servo,alt.music.filk,
Subject:    [Instafilk] (was Re: Happiness is a Warm Gun (was Re: Open
            Letter to George W. Boosh from Michael More))
Date:       13 Feb 2002 14:58:01 GMT
Message-ID: <a4dutp$1d2ru1$1@ID-75701.news.dfncis.de>

WWS>hey Jude,
WWS>why are you nude?

And now, for the song parody that NO ONE wanted to see!

Lyrics by Arthur Levesque -- bs@boog.org -- http://boog.org
(To the tune of "Hey, Jude" by Paul McCartney)

Hey, dude
Dude, where's my car?
It was near here
But now it's far
Remember we were driving in it last night
This isn't right
Dude, where's my car?

Hey, dude
This isn't right
Can't remember
What we did last night
Goddammit, I can't believe we forgot
Must be the pot
Dude, where's my car?

And every time we drink this much
We just lose touch
I think that I hurled upon the sidewalk
Some munchies right now would be sweet
Hey dude, let's eat
I'm getting confused from all of this talk

Na na na na, na na na na

Hey, dude
This isn't right
Can't remember
What we did last night
Goddammit, I can't believe we forgot
Must be the pot
Dude, where's my car?

And every time we drink this much
We just lose touch
I think that I hurled upon the sidewalk
Some munchies right now would be sweet
Hey dude, let's eat
I'm getting confused from all of this talk

Hey, dude
Dude, where's my car
It was near here
But now it's far
Remember we were driving in it last night
This isn't right
Dude, where's my car

Na na na nanana na, nanana na, hey dude...
Na na na nanana na, nanana na, hey dude...
/\ Arthur M Levesque 2A4W <*> bs@boog.orgy =/\= http://boog.org     __
\B\ack King of the Potato People <fnord> "Ia! Ia! Cthulhu fhtagn!" (oO)
\S\lash When is Alec Baldwin going to leave? (-O-) Urban Spaceman  /||\
\/ I was a lesbian before it was fashionable "I hate rainbows!"-EC

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