From: "recook77" <> Newsgroups:,, Subject: FILK: "Just the Four of Us" Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2001 22:57:37 -0400 Message-ID: <9h8tkt$tf6$> Here's a little something I came up with in response to the Troll Call thread in rast. "Just the Four of Us" Sung by Theron, O. Deus, Robert Holland, and Ford Thaxton to the tune of "Just the Two of Us." We hear the Usenet posters mourn And it just arouses scorn Potter's dead, it's time to dance We never liked him while he lived And his friends we can't forgive Now we've got our golden chance CHORUS Just the four of us We will rile you if we try Just the four of us (Just the four of us) Just the four of us How can we bid Gharlane goodbye? Just the four of us Hope he fries! Time to rush, no time to wave As we pee on Gharlane's grave You don't like it--well, too bad! He's not here with his bons mots Blow your grieving out your nose We don't care if you get mad CHORUS We see that Gharlane's friends are bummed And they say we should be shunned We still think we've got a point Though we still don't know what it is And we're getting plonked--gee whiz! Guess it's time to leave this joint CHORUS (Will Smith, eat your heart out!) -- "If you don't like the effects, don't produce the cause." George Clinton
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