Subject: Re: Cronan Thompson, Internet Stalker Date: Sat, 4 Dec 1999 23:41:19 GMT From: (Captain Infinity) Organization: Message-ID: <> Newsgroups:, Once Upon A Time, in article <82bcog$g0v$> Jaime M De Castellvi wrote: WOOSH! Super Hero KONTEXT AWAY MAN glides in to save the day! >I forgot to include servo. WAASH! Super Hero KONTEXT AWAY MAN is pelted with fruit from the sneering public, for stealing a humorous device from Kibo! CHILD bursts into kitchen. WAAAAA! WAAAAH! MAAAAAA! MOM runs into kitchen What's the matter, honey? CHILD WAAAH! You forgot to include Servo in my lunch today! I had to trade my cookies! MOM I'm so sorry, sweetheart! Tell you can have TWO HELPINGS of Servo tonight at dinner. CHILD YAY! ANNOUNCER Yes, kids! Don't let your mom forget to include SERVO!! with your school lunch! Servo! Now with extra vitamins! Builds strong bodies twelve ways! Servo! Extra strong for those extra painful days! Servo! Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound! Servo! Your dog doesn't know it's not bacon! Servo! Whiter than white! Servo! Please keep in the polybag when not in use! Servo! Not a doctor, but it plays one on TV! Servo! It goes to ELEVEN! SERVO! MIKEY LIKES IT! ** Captain Infinity ...I forgot to exclude
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