From: (Arthur Levesque) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY OF THE YEAR 5262 Date: 7 Feb 2002 13:00:23 GMT Message-ID: <a3ttp6$1asc15$> Jaime>Blarg! Jaime>Perhaps not as fashionable a meme as "peep" seemed to be in the Jaime>pre-millenium days, but oddly satisfying nevertheless. I feel the need to speak out in defence the old meme... Or better yet, I feel a song coming on... WHY DON'T WE GET DRUNK AND PEEP? Lyrics by Arthur Levesque -- -- To the tune of "Why Don't We Get Drunk And Screw" By Marvin Gardens[1] (as performed by Jimmy Buffett) I really don't appreciate You calling me a queer You say I'm Adolph Hitler But your facts don't seem too clear But trollers find as they sow So then shall they reap I say, why don't we get drunk and peep Why don't we get drunk and peep You posted to a cascade That's twenty levels deep They say you are a Snuh head A meower, or a creep So, why don't we get drunk and peep [Spoken: "Take it, Kamikaze Peep Squad!"] Why don't we get drunk and peep I just want to win this chat So that I can get some sleep They say they know us Servites By the company we keep So, why don't we get drunk and peep Yeah, so maybe you say "Blarg!" Why don't we get drunk and peep -- /\ Arthur M Levesque 2A4W <*> bs@boog.orgy =/\= __ \B\ack King of the Potato People <fnord> "Ia! Ia! Cthulhu fhtagn!" (oO) \S\lash When is Alec Baldwin going to leave? (-O-) Urban Spaceman /||\ \/ I was a lesbian before it was fashionable "I hate rainbows!"-EC [1] His little sister is Mediterranean Avenue. She also has a red hotel.
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