Where's the love?

(Mr. Hole and WWS)

From:       The Munificent Mr. Hole (The Dog Walker) <holefamily1@webtv.net>
Newsgroups: alt.fan.tom-servo,alt.hey.quad.nice.ass,alt.non.sequitur
Subject:    Day #113: 23rd: ON CHRISTIAN CROSSES FOR EVERYONE:
Date:       Sun, 23 Apr 2000 16:59:10 GMT
Message-ID: <8dva4o$3qg$1@nnrp1.deja.com>

>SUNDAY APRIL 23, 2000
>Perfect for the Easter and Passover
>-QVC on-air host, regarding a gold
>cross being sold

My loyal, loving {chosen few} friends, I have bad news on this holey
day; it concerns the first - possibly last - meeting between Sergey[1],
and WWS.

No, neither of them suffered bodily harm, after being crushed from a
stampeding Water Buffalo, but a gesture that should have been made
between these 2 caring men wasn't.

WuhWuhs, I'm truly sorry... you shouldn't have had to endure such a
blatant slap in the face!

Serg told me that he didn't give you a MANLY hug when he met with you,
and so I told him that he should have given you one! There is nothing
wrong with 2 men openly embracing one another in a non-sexual way.

Sure, there might have been a stray "Tee Hee!" from Sergey's cousin, but
he's young and inexperienced in the ways of the world. I would hope that
in this day and age we had moved past this barrier, that men could share
their beautiful - yet completely non-sexual - love for one another, sadly
I now see that I was in err.

So I guess what I'm trying to say (in my own happy-go-lucky way) is that
if we are ever given the opportunity to meet face to face you "WuhWuhs,"
and me, "The Munificent Mr. Hole (The Dog Walker)" then you can bet your
bottom dollar that I'll be giving you a BIG MANLY sized hug!! I'll even
try to pick you up off your feet and then twirl you around in a circle
like they do in all those big Hollywood productions.

...also, I might squeeze your tushy if the mood strikes.

The Munificent Mr. Hole (The Dog Walker)

How's your hole..............family?
semiliquidity Cronan

From:         WWS <wschmidt@tyler.net>
Newsgroups:   alt.fan.tom-servo
Subject:      Re: Day #113: 23rd: ON CHRISTIAN CROSSES FOR EVERYONE:
Date:         Sun, 23 Apr 2000 15:05:56 -0500
Organization: no mas
Message-ID:   <390357A4.57804876@tyler.net>

Lori wrote:
> The Munificent Mr. Hole (The Dog Walker) <holefamily1@webtv.net>
> wrote:
> >My loyal, loving {chosen few} friends, I have bad news on this
> >holey day; it concerns the first - possibly last - meeting
> >between Sergey[1], and WWS.
> Where's the feetnote??
> >So I guess what I'm trying to say (in my own happy-go-lucky
> >way) is that if we are ever given the opportunity to meet face
> >to face you "WuhWuhs," and me, "The Munificent Mr. Hole (The
> >Dog Walker)" then you can bet your bottom dollar that I'll be
> >giving you a BIG MANLY sized hug!! I'll even try to pick
> >you up off your feet and then twirl you around in a circle
> >like they do in all those big Hollywood productions.
> >
> >....also, I might squeeze your tushy if the mood strikes.

First contact situations are always delicate, you should know
that. Seeing how this was the first time his father had ever
set eyes on any of these strange internet people, it seemed
prudent to keep both hands in sight at all times and to move
very slowly and calmly.

Luckily, his father didn't mind me getting him drunk. Then
I got him a hooker, and then we scored some crack off the
hooker and got high. So that made up for any of the 
original awkwardness.



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