Antifrance's Virginia Elf Spat Photos

Feb. 16-18, 2001 -- Page Four

Arthur and his buddy pRick (the "p" is silent).

Cronan peeks (peeps?) out at us.

Tickle the Lori!

pRick tries to get back into the conversation.

And of course, the Mandatory Elf Spat Sex Orgy.

Hot 2-on-1 action! Only $19.99 a month.

Turns out that the muy macho Jaime is in fact a Sex Goddess.

Emily Jane tries to get some milk from Daddy's nose.

Wayland demonstrates why he never has to leave the house.

Marzipan, coming right up! In about 18 hours.

The Taet and her ex-minion relax and watch chat.

Arthur's yummy lasagnae.

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