Or: Ode to a Durham Convenience Store Clerk
Subject: Ode to a Durham convenience store clerk Date: Sun, 28 Jul 2002 22:44:02 -0400 From: Antifrance <antifrance@yahoo.com> Organization: Oligarchy University Message-ID: <3D44ABF2.6640009C@yahoo.com> Newsgroups: alt.fan.tom-servo During Friday night's Elf Spat festivities, Lori, Wayland, and Bessie had an interesting experience in downtown Durham. One of them will have to tell the story in greater detail. Crack Pipe -- by Antifrance To the tune of "Hash Pipe" by Weezer I need me a ciggie, I'll go out of my mind I've had to much booze so I'll tell Bessie to drive I can't continue Spatting if I can't get a smoke Down on Holloway Drive where store clerks are a joke Oh, come on to B.P. Oh, come on to B.P. Come on to B.P. The clerk's got problems This he will deny You've got your big G's He's got your crack pipe We see some empty cigars, what they're for I don't know Wayland tells us that they are blunts for you to roll The employee says that he'll be dealing here soon He'll have some stuff to fuck you up straight through next June Oh, come on to B.P. Oh, come on to B.P. Come on to B.P. The clerk's got problems This he will deny You've got your big G's He's got your crack pipe He's got your crack pipe Oh, come on to B.P. Oh, come on to B.P. Come on to B.P. The clerk's got problems This he will deny You've got your big G's He's got your crack pipe He's got your crack pipe He's got your crack pipe He's got your crack pipe -- Brendan Dillon (aka Antifrance), | antifrance@yahoo.com GPG; 1SG, KPS OPC; SC, HQ, SURLI | http://www.holyducttape.com "Hey, Brendan, I've been meaning to ask you... when you were locked in that spaceship with the alien, how did you get away? After you ran out of Bugles, that is." -Captain Infinity
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