From: (Lori) Newsgroups: Subject: Lori's Elf Spat Recap - Conclusion Date: Mon, 06 Aug 2001 16:12:34 GMT Organization: Cubicle #14 Message-ID: <> (Again, special thanks to Arthur Levesque for contributing to this report.) First... A few things I forgot in my recap of Elf Spat, Day Two ------------------------------------------------------ 1. Doritos! Lots and lots of yummy Doritos! I'm addicted! 2. Arthur gives *awesome* shoulder rubs! I highly recommend them. 3. We also watched "Monty Python's The Meaning of Life" during the drinking/movie portion of the day, but I missed most of it due to being outside talking with Bessie. And now... The conclusion to Lori's Elf Spat Recap!!!!!! Day Three, Sunday July 29, 2001 ------------------------------- After going to bed at 5:00 AM, I got about an hour of sleep before I was rudely awakened. I know it's not his fault, but Jason's snoring could have woken the dead. I finally solved my problem by remembering something a friend of mine showed me when we were at an extremely loud rock concert in front of the speakers - I grabbed a Kleenex and made some makeshift earplugs from it. Worked like a charm, and I slept like a baby from then on. Again, Arthur and I woke up before everyone else. I think it was around noon, or just before. I probably scared him - my hair felt absolutely gross after not having showered the day before (the pool only did so much), and I probably looked like Medusa or something. Thank god he didn't reach for the camera. I also had a bit of a headache - not quite a hangover, but definitely the result of alcohol plus wacky sleep patterns. Excedrin to the rescue! Since Arthur and I now had towels to use (from when we went to the pool), we finally took our much-needed showers. Separately, you pervs!! Geez. Oh, and I forgot to lock the door when I took my shower too. Un^H^Hfortunately, nobody walked in on me. At this point there was still nobody else awake, so we folded up the sofa bed and put in a tape of "Ranma 1/2", thereby waking up Jason. I decided that some leftover lasagna would make a great breakfast. Much to my dismay, I found that it hadn't been put away the day before, and had sat out all night. Too bad. :( So I munched on some Doritos to hold me over until Holy Sandwich time. It was practically lunch time anyway. Eventually everyone woke up, and we popped in another episode of "Ranma" ( We dubbed it "The Giant Peep That Attacked Tokyo" because it involved a very large yellow bird perched atop one character's head, and the thing grew bigger, and bigger, and BIGGER ( It was EEEVIL!! Brendan took everyone's Holy Sandwich orders, and we took the obligatory photos. While we were devouring our yummy sandwiches, and still trying to wake up, we watched "The Frighteners". There is something sad and shameful I must report, and many of you have probably already noticed it by now. Ladies and gentlemen, it gives me great sorrow to admit to you that: WE DID NOT EAT ANY PEEPS AT THIS ELF SPAT! Yes, folks, it's true. I had forgotten to pack the Peeps I was going to bring. However, Wayland and Bessie have a humongous stash of Peeps in the cabinet. The day was saved! Well, except for the fact that we never opened any of them. But I guess the Ranma Peep's appearance counts for something, right? Anyhow, the day was winding down and Arthur and I were ready to hit the road. We wanted to take the mandatory group photos, but Tiffani was doing something to her hair which involved having a lot of goop in it, so we had to wait a bit. We took the group photos, loaded up the car, and departed... about two hours later than we'd planned. It was about 5:00 PM. It was raining. And raining. And raining. I think our average speed for the entire trip back was about 25 MPH, due to the rain and construction delays. I am so glad I didn't have to make that trip by myself. I swear if it wasn't for Arthur's humorous music, skits, etc. that we were listening to, not to mention having another live human being with me to talk to, I would have gone absolutely insane. As it got darker outside and we continued to crawl our way north, it became apparent that it was going to be too late for Arthur to catch his ride home from the Metro station. We also decided on a new Elf Spat rule - the Elf Spat isn't officially over until EVERYONE gets home. It got to be about 10:00 PM and we realized that based on this rule, the Elf Spat was definitely going to last into Monday. So we stopped at a McDonald's and decided what we were going to do next. After eating, we got back in the car and continued driving... Day Four, Monday July 30, 2001 ------------------------------ Driving... driving... t ired.. . .. mem ry faDinGGg.. . % *@# . Ar%thur... .# me.. pOstIN#g fr m . . ..Ne .. E lf Sp@at Ri0T. .. .Marylanddd.. . ..@# &*! $.. @ / ?%&^. .. ... . ... ... .. . . . .
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