About the Mad Scienticians

scientician: (sī'-әn-tĭsh'-әn)
n. 1. A person who practices
laboratory science without a license. 2. A very intelligent person wholly
lacking in credentials.
These are your hosts, Brendan and
Wayland, the Mad Scienticians. Their backgrounds in mad science are
extensive, and include forays into temporal mechanics, applied theology,
cheese physics, and adhesive chemistry. Additionally, they took over the
world once, but got tired of ruling it and retired.
Their favored field of science,
however, is that of Alconomics, the study of intoxicating beverages and
their use. They spearheaded the development of the
Drunken Equation,
which attempts to calculate the most efficient method to a person's goals in
a night of drinking. After Wayland spent time working as a restaurant
bartender, the scienticians began applying their theoretical work to more
practical matters of mixology, and now, vodka infusion.
You can e-mail the scienticians at
About Brendan
Brendan is an accountant and a National Guardsman. He is also a part-time superhero
and makes one hell of a sandwich.
About Wayland
Wayland is a cubicle drone and father
of two, which is why he is usually in need of a stiff drink. He is the exception to many widely held beliefs about former
theater majors, though not all of them.
Infusions of Grandeur
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