Subject: Ode to the Grand Poodle Date: Mon, 29 May 2000 16:05:16 -0400 From: Antifrance <> Organization: The World Oligarchy -- Message-ID: <> Newsgroups: CAPTAIN INFINITY (to the tune of Living Colour's "Cult of Personality") Look at my posts, what do you see? Sure signs of insanity. I hijacked Servo, for you and me Now there's more than just Kibology I am Captain Infinity. I'm the founder of the Kamikaze Peeps I am Captain Infinity I am Captain Infinity. An ASCII Krab, old comic books Without pants, I get weird looks You don't have to follow me Only peeps can set you free When you reply to a post from me I'm the one that says YHBT! I am Captain Infinity. I wackylace you, still you love me And end up reading clown pornography I am Captan Infinity. In the Plain and Simple one's legacy I am Captain Infinity I am Captain Infinity. An ASCII Krab, old comic books My Time Machine gets me weird looks You don't have to follow me Only peeps can set you free Compared to Kibo, my stuff is tame But no one could ever call me lame I'm the Fucking Epitome of Whimsy I am Captain Infinity I am Captain Infinity. -- Brendan Dillon (aka Antifrance), GPG; 1SG, KPS OPC "Apparently... Anti says I've enslaved them both.... except Anti's now gone to get yet another drink... he said he was cutting himself off... but.. well.. now he's changed his mind." -Bevin
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