Subject: Putting my foot down (so to speak) Date: Tue, 01 Feb 2000 18:18:59 -0500 From: "Antifrance's Ass, 1LT" <> Organization: 82nd ABN Div, US Army Message-ID: <> Newsgroups:, All right, that's it. This is Antifrance's ass speaking. Normally I don't do this sort of thing -- I'm an infantrypart, not a computer geek -- but just this once I'm checking out this Usenet thingy, as a favor to Anti. I've been looking over some recent posts to Anti's favorite newsgroups, and I'm growing increasingly pissed off over a guy who, for reasons beyond my comprehension, calls himself Terminal. Apparently Terminal is a sort of belligerent alter-ego of Anti's friend Wayland, but this is irrelevant. What is relevant is that Terminal is trying to wage a one-man war against an entire newsgroup. Well, if it's a war you want, Terminal, it's a war you got. My specialty is demolitions and chemical attack and concealment, but don't think I can't hold my own here on the internet. Granted, it's a bit difficult to type with two asscheeks instead of fingers, but I'll manage. Don't expect me to hang around here forever. I'm a soldier, not a kamikaze peep. My quarrel is with one man. Well, technically, half of one. But I will make certain that Terminal endures as much as he dishes out for the duration of my stay here. I've killed better men than you, Terminal, and I will not hesitate to do what's necessary. --- Antifrance's ass 1LT, IN, 82 AB DIV
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